星期二, 8月 07, 2007

Orienteering Today與我的「恩怨」 - 最新消息

正如這個系列的下集講到,小弟在2007年起已不再是Orienteering Today的訂閱代理(因OT已採用網上訂閱方式)。但不知何故,在這段時間仍偶爾有人聯絡小弟,查詢有關訂閱OT的問題(而心血少的我,都會建議那些朋友暫時不要訂閱)。故此小弟雖然不在其位,仍然關心OT的情況,自從OT在2007年出版了一期後,又再次消聲匿跡,令人悲哀的反映小弟所言非虛。只是,在前幾天,我又赫然發現原來OT仍在運作中,他們為延誤刊出了一篇解釋,可是這並不是個令人高興的消息︰


What is happening
Sport of Today, Aug 2, 2007 17:18

Many subscribers are wondering what is happening to Orienteering Today.

There is a stop in publishing of Orienteering Today. The following information is sent to our subscribers:

Dear Subscribers,

As you know, there has been a difficult time for the magazine Orienteering Today. Our very good editor, Jan Skricka, got ill with ME-syndrome, and has not been able to produce the magazine. Jan has been the heart of Orienteering Today and his illness has made it impossible for us to produce the magazine on schedule. We hope that Jan soon will recover and that he will be a part of the magazine also in the future.

We have been working very hard find a new organization.

Geir Nilsen will be the new editor of Orienteering Today. Geir is also editor of the brilliant Norwegian o-page OPN.no.

Audun Bjerkreim Nilsen will still be marketing director.

We have decided to rebuild the magazine and the business slowly. We are already very late according to the schedule.

Therefore the publishing schedule will be:

The will come one more issue in 2007.
Publishing date is set to Oct. 1
There will be made 4 issues in 2008. Schedule for this will be made during November 2008.

All subscribers will have the magazines they have paid for.

沒有甚麼好說的,在此謹祝Jan Skricka儘快康復,以及各位OT訂戶真的收到剩下的期數。

